Friday, October 7, 2011

Conversion complete?

The Lineage section of the One Name Study pages now also includes those researchers from the DNA project that were missed in the initial update, and the Wanted! pages have had a bit of a tweak from that converted over from the DNA pages. Should now more clearly show which lines still need a representative, and which need clarifications etc.
This should have brought all of the person and lineage information that was (and probably still is for now) on the DNA pages over to the One Name Study pages, as well as making any associated lineage info reflect the current state of my data.
In addition, given that a lot of our current discrepancies between paper trails, hopefully informed guesses, and dna evidence, are in the tree of Alexander & Janet (HENDRIE) RUNCIMAN, a set of basic information on that family has been uploaded to MyHeritage to see if anything useful pops out of the SmartMatches from that site. (You'll have to search for Alexander, born abt 1695 as it doesn't open at him.)

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